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Load image into Gallery viewer, Ultradent UltraEZ Prefilled Trays

Ultradent™ UltraEZ™ Desensitizing Gel with Potassium Nitrate and Fluoride

CRD Item Number: 705721

Manufacturer SKU: 5721-CN

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UltraEZ™ works instantly to alleviate discomfort and sensitivity, particularly after tooth whitening. UltraEZ is also ideal for treating patients suffering from toothbrush abrasion, thermal and chemical changes, and root exposure.

Formulated with 3% potassium nitrate and a 0.11% fluoride ion, UltraEZ, from Ultradent Products Inc., has a sticky, high viscous consistency that stays in contact with the teeth for fast relief while depolarizing the nerves.

UltraEZ is an excellent follow-up treatment to eliminate discomfort after tooth whitening, scaling and periodontal procedures.

  • Available in disposable, prefilled trays for use with custom trays
  • Prefilled UltraFit™ tray adapts to any smile for a comfortable fit
  • Completely safe with no Glutaraldehyde
  • Can be used before and after whitening treatments

Certified Gluten Free

Indications for Use

Apply UltraEZ to seal dentinal tubules of exposed dentin and other areas where postoperative sensitivity is a concern.

2022 4 Star 2021 4 Star 2020 4 Star 2019 4 Star

  1. Remove the product from packaging. "U" is marked for upper tray and "L"  is marked for lower tray.

    remove ultraez from packaging
  2. Position upper tray on teeth.

    position upper tray on teeth
  3. Bite firmly, then suck on tray for 2 seconds.

    bite firmly, then suck on tray for 2 seconds.
  4. Remove colored outer tray, leaving the white inner tray on teeth. Repeat the process for the lower tray.

    Remove outer tray
  5. Wear for 15 minutes to 1 hour per day or as directed by your dentist. After indicated wear time, remove trays and brush teeth.

    wear ultraez

Dr. Mark Colonna talks about using UltraEZ in his practice.

UltraEZ Tray Kit (Item Number: 705721):

  • 10 x upper pre-filled UltraEZ trays
  • 10 x lower pre-filled UltraEZ trays

Q: Can patients wear UltraEZ in their custom trays overnight?

A: No, UltraEZ is not indicated for overnight use.

Q: Does UltraEZ need to be refrigerated?

A: No, UltraEZ can be stored at room temperature.