Intracanal Treatments
Intracanal Treatments
  • Intracanal Treatments


Intracanal Treatments

5 products
NaviTip™ delivery tips are available in four lengths and two gauges to easily deliver endodontic sealers, irrigants, and other medicaments of varying viscosities just short of the apex. The cannula...
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UltraCal™ XS calcium hydroxide paste is a uniquely formulated calcium hydroxide paste that is both aqueous and radiopaque, with a high pH (12.5). It is recommended to use the larger 29 ga NaviTip t...
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The Ultradent™ Capillary Tip evacuates canals and substantially minimizes the use of paper points. Other features and benefits include: Narrow, flexible taper accesses curved canals 0.36 mm tip ha...
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Bio-C® Temp from Angelus® is a ready-to-use bioceramic tricalcium silicate paste for intracanal dressing allowing high performance in fewer sessions. It is advantageous to calcium hydroxide pastes ...
NaviTip™ FX™ Tips feature a brush tip that scrubs, cleans, and irrigates simultaneously. Other features and benefits include: Flexible cannula easily navigates curved canals Rigid 30 ga cannula Av...
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