Fast and Efficient Outcomes with Cosmedent® Renamel® BULKfill
When selecting a material for posterior restorations, numerous factors need to be considered to ensure an esthetic, functional, and biocompatible result. In addition, the material needs to be workable in the clinician’s hands to create a fast and efficient outcome. Cosmedent BULKfill maximizes all of these factors, creating a posterior composite that optimizes both clinical outcome and ease of use for the practitioner.
In this case, a 22 year old patient presented for routine quadrant fillings on #3-MO and #4-DO. Anesthetic was given. Preparations and caries removal were completed. (FIG 1 & 2)
Cosmedent's Full Contact-Large matrix band was applied. After applying a thin layer of flowable, Renamel BULKfill composite was placed on #3. It was sculpted with Cosmedent’s POCL instrument and light cured with Cosmedent’s SiriusMax curing light. The #3 matrix band was removed. Renamel BULKfill was placed, sculpted, and cured on #4. Both restorations were polished with Cosmedent’s FlexiDiscs and FlexiCups to achieve the perfect interproximal contour and shine. Occlusion and proximal contacts were checked and adjusted. (FIG 3)
Renamel BULKfill is the ideal material for posterior composite restorations for many reasons. To start, BULKfill has excellent working properties because it is packable and sculptable; it stays in the exact shape as placed by the clinician and doesn’t slump. Since the material is malleable, the composite can be artistically shaped to recreate the grooves and occlusal anatomy of a tooth. BULKfill composite is also fast to apply and has a 4mm depth of cure. It has optimum esthetics
because of the composite’s balance of translucency and opacity and its spectacular polish, causing the filling to seamlessly blend in with the enamel of the tooth. Finally, the material has low shrinkage and high compressive strength, which eliminates the occurrence of postoperative sensitivity on these restorations.
For these reasons, Cosmedent’s Renamel BULKfill is unrivaled for posterior composite restorations. It optimizes esthetics, clinical outcome, and clinician ease of use.

Dentistry and Photography: Dennis B. Hartlieb, DDS, AAACD
About the Author

Elaine S Bylis, DDS
Dr. Bylis graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University
of Maryland, College Park with a major in Neurophysiology. She was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society upon her graduation and went on to attend the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. Dr. Bylis graduated in 2017.
Dr. Bylis received advanced training in cosmetic dentistry
from the Nash Institute and was honored to later return to the
Institute as a guest lecturer. She has also received advanced
training in Invisalign. In addition, Dr. Bylis has been published twice in Dentistry Today: the June 2018 online edition featured an article she wrote about guided mandibular
impant surgery and the December 2020 print edition featured her article about digital planning and surgery

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This article was originally published in the Clinical Life™ magazine: Spring 2022 edition
Clinical Life™ magazine is a premier periodical publication by Clinical Research Dental Supplies & Services Inc. Discover compelling clinical cases from Canadian and US dental professionals, cutting-edge techniques, product insights, and continuing education events.