The InterGuard™ proxitector ensures a faster, safer preparation by protecting the adjacent tooth from iatrogenic damage.1 Stable curls at each end leave transition angles clear for full access. The InterGuard proxitector is great for tunnel preparations and protecting the adjacent tooth during air abrasion.
1Qvist V, Johannessen L, Bruun M. Progression of aproximal caries in relation to iatrogenic preparation damage. J Dent Res. 1992;71(7):1370-1373.
"InterGuard was developed as a protective shield following the publication of a clinical investigation proving that two thirds of the aproximal surfaces of adjacent teeth showed evidence of iatrogenic preparation damage. In my office I soon found that InterGuard allows you to work both faster and safer, and I am proud to have contributed with a tool which has been called another step in the direction of higher quality dentistry."
Dr. Ole Osterby, Inventor – Denmark
The InterGuard™ proxitector kit contains: 5 x InterGuards 4.0mm and 5 x InterGuards 5.5mm (803097)
Also available in 50-Pack Refills: 4.0mm (804011) and 5.5mm (804012)
View the Product Allergen Information.