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Garrison® Strata-G Matrix Bands

CRD Item Number: 203240

Manufacturer SKU: SGB02



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Optimized marginal ridge. Strata-G Bands provide shape and guidance for developing the marginal ridge of Class II restorations without blocking your access. ProfileBooster subgingival apron. Achieving a natural emergence profile in challenging cervical areas is easy with Strata-G Bands--it's built right in. Strata-G forms a 270° Seal for ultimate flash control. Other features and benefits include:

  • Five sizes
  • Non-stick and color coded
  • Easy placement tabs
  • Dead-soft and only 0.0016" thin
  • pedodontic size

Technique for Class II restorations utilizing Strata-G Softface Rings.

  1. Place Rubber Damn. Isolation of the area helps to prevent contamination from blood and saliva. As with many dental procedures, aspiration of small parts is a valid concern.

  2. Prepare tooth with conservative Class II preparation.

  3. Place Strata-G sectional matrix band. Select matrix band that most closely approximates the occlusogingival height of the tooth. The Grab-Tab should be oriented toward the occlusal margin and may be bent over the adjacent tooth after placement. (Figure 1)

    strata g placement
  4. Insert Strata-G wedge. Keep a finger on the matrix band to prevent the wedge from dislodging the band during insertion. Wedge firmly, a high viscosity resin packed into the preparation may displace the band away from the tooth. (Figure 2)

    insert strata g wedge
  5. Apply the Strata-G Soft Face ring retainer. Keep a finger on the matrix band to prevent the wedge from dislodging the band during insertion. Wedge firmly, a high viscosity resin packed into the preparation may displace the band away from the tooth. (Figure 3)

    apply ring retainer
  6. Very Important: push the matrix band firmly into contact with the adjacent tooth in the desired contact area.

  7. Use your preferred etching, disinfecting and bonding technique following manufacturer’s instructions. Apply your preferred composite resin following manufacturer’s instructions.

  8. Remove the ring, wedge and band.

  9. Contour and polish the restoration.

This video will guide you in understanding the features of the product and how to use the Strata-G™ Sectional Matrix System by Garrison.

This video will guide you in understanding the differences of Strata-G™ compared to Composi-Tight® 3D Fusion™

Garrison Strata-G Matrix Band Kit (Item Number: 203240) includes:

  • 40 x Strata-G White Pediatric Matrices
  • 40 x Strata-G Gray Premolar Matrices
  • 40 x Strata-G Purple Small Molar Matrices
  • 40 x Strata-G Green Molar Matrices
  • 40 x Strata-G Blue Molar Matrices w/ Deep Cervical Preps

Garrison Strata-G Matrix Bands available in the following 100-packs:

  • 3.5mm - White Pediatric Matrices (203241)
  • 4.5mm - Gray Premolar Matrices (203242)
  • 5.5mm - Purple Small Molar (203243)
  • 6.5mm - Green Molar Matrices (203244)
  • 7.5mm - Blue Molar Matrices w/ Deep Cervical Preps (203245)