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The EndoRing II organizer enables the clinician to directly place, store, measure and clean endodontic hand and rotary instruments within the operating field.
Using the EndoRing II organizer helps make endodontic procedures safer and faster. It reduces the risk of cross-contamination and minimizes the passing of files between dentists and assistants.
- Endoring open cell foam can be steam autoclave processed prior to single use. For added convenience endodontic instruments can be pre-loaded into the foam prior to processing
- Disposable Gelwell cups store lubricating gels/liquids
- Laser-etched Endoring metal ruler has precise laser-etched 1/2mm markings for files up to 37mm in length
- Ruler rapidly and accurately calibrates instruments for right and left handed clinicians
- Detachable ruler is autoclavable
- Improved rubber stop-locks allow full length measurement using rubber stops
How to use the Endoring II.
Premium Kit with Metal Ruler contains: EndoRing II Assembly, 48 single use Jordco® e-Foam® Inserts (24 Jordco Blue & 24 Jordco Yellow), 48 single use GelWell® cups, EndoGel® Pack (12 single use 1-ml tubes), Metal Ruler (Item Number: 833290)
Starter Kit contains: EndoRing II Assembly, 2 Single Use GelWell® Cups, 48 single use Jordco® e-Foam® Inserts (24 Jordco Blue & 24 Jordco Yellow) (833210)
Violet Instrument Kit with Metal Ruler contains: EndoRing II Assembly, 4 Single Use GelWell® Cups, 6 single use Jordco® e-Foam® Inserts (3 Jordco Blue and 3 Jordco Yellow), Metal Ruler (833200)
Endoring Endofoam Insert – Yellow 48-Pack (833202)
Endoring Endofoam Insert – Blue 48-Pack (833203)
Endoring Metal Ruler (833102)
Endoring Marking Tabs (833103)
View the EndoRing FileCaddy Foam IFU.
endo ring