The most common challenges in getting a quality impression are adequate tissue retraction and sufficient moisture control. Dr. Dan Fischer, CEO Emeritus of Ultradent Products, Inc., often says, “There is nothing one can do well, in a quality sense, when it comes to operative dentistry in the presence of bleeding.”
Along with Ultradent’s world-renowned tissue management products, Ultradent’s Ultrapak™ retraction cord (the world’s first knitted packing cord) helps enhance tissue management techniques by delivering the ferric sulfate solutions subgingivally for optimum sulcular fluid control. The Ultrapak cord is made of 100% cotton, knitted into thousands of tiny loops to form long, interlocking chains. This unique knitted design exerts a gentle continuous outward force following placement, as the knitted loops seek to open. Ideal tissue displacement occurs within one to three minutes after cord placement. Packing cord placement technique also plays an important role in achieving quality, predictable tissue management.
Double-Cord Technique
The most common challenges in getting a quality impression are adequate tissue retraction and sufficient moisture control. Try a double retraction cord technique combined with effective hemostatic agents to alleviate both.
First Cord
1. Once hemostasis is achieved, carefully place a single cord — such as Ultrapak™ knitted cord #0, #00, or #000 — to the bottom of the sulcus. Use Fischer’s Ultrapak Packers to place cords properly and efficiently.
Second Cord
2. Place a second, thicker cord soaked in a hemostatic agent to expand the tissue laterally.
3. Rinse the area well, lightly dry, and make impression.