Load image into Gallery viewer, Garrison Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Bicuspid
Load image into Gallery viewer, Garrison Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Bicuspid with Extension
Load image into Gallery viewer, Garrison Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Small Molar
Load image into Gallery viewer, Garrison Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Large Molar
Load image into Gallery viewer, Garrison Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Molar with Extension

Garrison® Composi-Tight® 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Bands

CRD Item Number: 203109

Manufacturer SKU: FX100-M



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Composi-Tight® 3D Fusion™ Full Curve Matrix Bands are the result of Garrison’s more than 20 years of research and development in the area of sectional matrix materials. Composi-Tight 3D Fusion bands are loaded with features to improve and simplify posterior Class II restorations. Other features and benefits include:

  • Full curve bands wrap further around the tooth – out of your way – and have optimum anatomy built right in.
  • Improved subgingival areas and increased width mean you’re ready to tackle the toughest deep restoration or extra-wide prep.
  • Garrison invented it and nothing prevents bonding agent and composite adhesion better!

Indications for Use

Class II procedure.

Technique for Class II restorations utilizing Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Soft Face Rings

  1. Place rubber dam. Isolation of the area helps to prevent contamination from blood and saliva. As with many dental procedures, aspiration of small parts is a valid concern.

  2. Place FenderWedge prior to preparation to pre-separate and protect the adjacent tooth. Prepare tooth with conservative Class II preparation. Once the preparation is complete, remove the FenderWedge and place your matrix.

  3. Place Composi-Tight 3D Fusion sectional matrix band. Select a matrix band that most closely approximates the occlusogingival height of the tooth. The Grab-Tab should be oriented toward the occlusal margin and may be bent over the adjacent tooth after placement

    Place composi-tight 3d fusion matrix band
  4. Insert Composi-Tight 3D Fusion wedge. Keep a finger on the matrix band to prevent the wedge from dislodging the band during insertion. Wedge firmly, a high viscosity resin packed into the preparation may displace the band away from the tooth.

    Insert composi-tight 3d fusion wedge
  5. Apply the Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Soft Face ring retainer. Select a retainer ring that is appropriate for the embrasure and tooth being restored. Spread it with the *Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Ring Placement forceps and place it over the wedge.

    Apply the composi-tight 3d fusion soft face ring retainer
  6. Very Important: push the matrix band firmly into contact with the adjacent tooth in the desired contact area.

  7. Use your preferred etching, disinfecting and bonding technique following manufacturer’s instructions. Apply your preferred composite resin following manufacturer’s instructions.

  8. Remove the ring, wedge and band.

  9. Contour and polish the restoration.

Garrison bands have true sizes

Take a close look at some other matrix bands and you may notice that the body (not the subgingival extension) is pretty much the same size on each of their “sizes.” Only the subgingival extension changes. Garrison’s Full Curve bands give you three distinct body sizes plus two with subgingival extensions. Better fitting bands provide anatomically accurate restorations.

No holes to tear out

You won’t find any holes in Garrison bands to get caught on the forceps during placement, or tear out during removal. Tabbed for easy occlusal placement and longer for wider preps, you’ll find our bands a perfect match for our Composi-Tight 3D Fusion separator rings.

Non-stick coating invented by Garrison

Full Curve bands aren’t color coded to make them pretty. The special coating, invented by us, reduces bonding agent and composite adhesion by a massive 92%. Full Curve matrix bands are easy in and easy out.

Learn how to properly place matrix bands in a few simple steps to get the best restoration possible.

Garrison Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Gray Bicuspid Matrices available in the following:

  • 50-Pack (Item Number: 203109)
  • 100-Pack (203108)

Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Red Bicuspid Matrices w/extension available in the following:

  • 30-Pack (203111)
  • 60-Pack (203110)

Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Purple Small Molar Matrices available in the following:

  • 50-Pack (203113)
  • 100-Pack (203112)

Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Green Large Molar Matrices available in the following:

  • 50-Pack (203115)
  • 100-Pack (203114)

Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Full Curve Blue Molar Matrices w/extension available in the following:

  • 30-Pack (Item Number: 203117)
  • 60-Pack (203116)