Komet crown preparation diamond burs: from coarse to super-coarse
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Fraises de préparation de couronne

97 produits

For a crown preparation, it’s recommended to start with a coarse, round-end tapered chamfer, which is the most commonly used crown prep diamond shape worldwide, such as the 856XC Deep Purple extra-coarse diamond bur. You might also need additional burs like flat-end tapered diamond burs (e.g., 845), round diamond burs (e.g., 801), football-shaped diamond burs (e.g., 8368), and end-cutting diamond burs (e.g., 10839) for removing a fragile "J" margin. For occlusal onlays, using occlusal depth markers like PrepMarker® can help achieve and maintain the minimum layer thickness for the desired preparation. If you are working on an all-ceramic crown prep (including 3D printed crowns), high-quality diamond burs like the parallel chamfer 6837KR or OccluShapers (which combine concave and convex surfaces) are key to ensuring clinical success. It’s ideal to have a variety of rotary instruments, ranging from crown preparation burs to finishers and polishers, in grits from extra-coarse to fine, for a successful preparation process.

La fraise diamantée ronde ZR6856 est destinée au meulage de tous types de céramiques, y compris la zircone. La ZR6856 fait partie de la série ZR-Diamonds™. Taille Ø: 025 1/10 mm L1 en mm : 8...